Diablo 4: How to Beat X’fal the Scarred Baron [Boss Guide]

How to beat Xfal the Scarred Baron in Diablo 4
By Abed Shatila June 24, 2023 - Updated on August 24, 2023 in Guides Reading time: 2 minute read
X'fal the Scarred Baron

When navigating the Icehowl Ruins during the prologue, you will face X’fal the Scarred Baron who is the first boss of many that you encounter in Diablo 4.

Even though he is the first boss, he can still defeat you just like any other demon and make you restart the game if you are playing in hardcore mode.

To keep that from happening, this guide will go over how to defeat X’fal, the Scarred Baron by going over the mechanics and patterns that you might come across fighting him.

Where is Xfal located?

Icehowl Ruins location
Icehowl Ruins

Xfal is located in the Icehowl Ruins, a story dungeon that is in a small alley in the Desolate Highlands, just southwest of Kyovashad. You won’t have to worry about trying to find it though as the game does a very good job at holding the player’s hands early on in the game. The prologue will automatically guide you there.

How To Beat X’fal the Scarred Baron

To begin with, you have to know that Xfal has 3 marks on his health bar, and is packed with four moves that actually hurt. To beat him, you have to keep your distance when he attacks and take the first chance you get when you have an opening to retaliate.

This is especially important if you are playing a melee class because you have to stay in close range to the boss to land a couple of hits.

Xfal’s abilities

x'fal the scarred baron ritual
Summoning Ritual

Ability 1 – Summoning Ritual: X’fal will go to the center of the map, and create a star-shaped summoning ritual that shapes up gradually and last for three seconds. Once the star has fully formed, up to five demons will be summoned depending on how much health the boss has.

xfal sword slam
Sword Slam

Ability 2 – Sword slam: Not to be confused with his basic attack, the boss will slam his giant sword on the ground in front of him. This is easily avoidable if you are positioned behind the boss at all times throughout the fight.

xfal the scarred baron ground slam
Ground Slam

Ability 3 – Ground slam: After the first mark was removed from Xfal’s health bar, he will start using his ground slam ability. The boss will jump high up, and a brown circle will show on the ground where he is going to land. The circle will most likely be under your feet and you will have almost two seconds to dodge it before Xfal the Scarred Baron slams the ground causing a lot of damage.

X'fal the scarred baron projectiles
Red Projectiles

Ability 4 – Red Projectiles: X’fal the Scarred Baron will randomly shoot five red projectiles that will spread out from his sword. If you are playing as a melee class, I recommend you stay behind the boss because all five projectiles start from the tip of his sword and gradually spread out. If you are facing him and are too close, then you will get hit by all five of them at the same time.

Xfal the Scarred Baron rewards

Once you defeat X’fal the Scarred Baron, you will get your first blue (magic) piece of gear. Whether it is a weapon or armor, Xfal guarantees one blue piece to drop.

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Abed Shatila

Abed Shatila

Abed Shatila is a developer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, but he is also a passionate gamer who has been enjoying games of all genres since he was six years old. Abed is an expert at creating video game guides. When he is not busy writing code, he enjoys crafting content to assist both existing and newer generations of gamers in making their gaming journeys much smoother.

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