Guild Wars 2: Legendary Back Items Guide

By Abed Shatila August 24, 2023 - Updated on September 21, 2023 in Guides Reading time: 2 minute read
Legendary Back Items GW2

There are three Legendary Back Items that you can get your hands on, one from World vs. World, one from Player vs. Player and another from Fractals of the Mists. Here is how you can get all three.

Guild Wars 2: Warbringer – WvW Legendary Back Item Guide

Guild Wars 2: The Ascension – PvP Legendary Back Item Guide

Guild Wars 2: Ad Infinitum Legendary Back Item Guide

What are Legendary Back Items in Guild Wars 2

Legendary Back Items are pieces of gear that can be equipped in the Back Item slot in your equipment tab. They are Legendary Grade gear that will take a huge time and gold investment, but in return come with so many benefits, and most importantly convenience.

They are purely cosmetic and don’t provide any competitive advantage over players who don’t own them. In fact, the stats on legendaries are the same as those on Ascended gear.

Just like any other Legendary equipment, you will get the following perks:

  • Unlimited stat change
  • Changing skin cost zero Transmutation Charges
  • Account wide usage
  • Comes with a unique effect when going into and out of combat

The only unique difference that separates Legendary Back Items and other legendaries, is that they can be used as a Glider Skin as well.

How to get GW2 Legendary Backpacks

To get those backpacks, you have to first choose which game mode you like because all three of them are tied to their own game mode.

PvP players can rise to fame with The Ascension, PvE players can go hunting with Ad Infinitum and WvW players can march to glory with the Warbringer.

The general idea behind crafting all three of them is getting three gifts and a precursor which is usually obtained by completing a certain collection. Then place all those items in the Mystic Forge to get the legendary back item.

The Ascension

If you enjoy playing PvP, then you should look into getting The Ascension as this back item can only be obtained through this game mode.

To get it, you have to place the following items in the Mystic Forge.

  • Wings of Ascension
  • Gift of the Competitor
  • Gift of Skirmishing
  • Gift of Fortune

Ad Infinitum

This back item can be obtained exclusively through the Fractals of the Mists. It is basically a PvE item and if you are a fan of that mode, then this is the Legendary Backpack for you.

To get Ad Infinitum, go to any Mystic Forge, and place the following items there.

  • Gift of Infinity
  • Unbound
  • Gift of Ascension
  • Gift of Fortune

Note that his Legendary requires any expansion unlocked on the account before you can get it as you need to unlock some masteries to progress further.


The last Legendary Back Item would be the Warbringer. This can only be obtained by playing World Vs. World, and a lot of it.

To craft it, place the following items in the Mystic Forge.

  • Warcry
  • Gift of Warfare
  • Gift of Fortune
  • Gift of Conquering

That’s a wrap on all the back items that you can get in the game. If any future expansion introduced new back items, we will be sure to update this list.

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Abed Shatila

Abed Shatila

Abed Shatila is a developer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, but he is also a passionate gamer who has been enjoying games of all genres since he was six years old. Abed is an expert at creating video game guides. When he is not busy writing code, he enjoys crafting content to assist both existing and newer generations of gamers in making their gaming journeys much smoother.

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