Guild Wars 2: Domain of Vabbi Hero Points Guide

Domain of Vabbi Hero challenges just got easier in this guide.
By Abed Shatila July 30, 2023 - Updated on August 26, 2023 in Guides Reading time: 2 minute read
Domain of Vabbi Hero Points GW2

If you are planning to get access to the PoF Elite Specialization, then you probably want to unlock all the Domain of Vabbi Hero Points.

In this guide, we will cover all the hero challenges in this map and instructions on how to complete each one of them.

GW2 Domain of Vabbi Hero Points

There are 3 Hero Points in the Domain of Vabbi. They are all pretty easy as you will be fighting veterans and not champions. They can all be done solo, but coming with an additional person does not hurt, especially if you are new.

1. Mother Tharwa

Mother Tharwa
Mother Tharwa
  • Location: The Necropolis
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Waypoint: Necropolis Waypoint [&BEoKAAA=]
  • Instructions: From the waypoint, take the first set of stairs then take a right following the trail of other stairs that will lead you directly to the hero point.

2. Master Utku

Master Utku
Master Utku
  • Location: Vehtendi Arena
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Waypoint: Vehtendi Academy Waypoint [&BA8KAAA=]
  • Instructions: From the waypoint, simply exit north, and you will find the Arena facing you directly. Glide or use your Springer to go all the way down. Speak with Master Utku and prepare to fight three veterans.

3. Hunter Glorg

Hunter Glorg
Hunter Glorg
  • Location: Zagonur Cliffs
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Waypoint: Market Ruins Waypoint [&BHQKAAA=]
  • Instructions: Take the waypoint and glide your way to the safe zone facing the waypoint. From there use your Springer to climb up and then keep going towards the hero point while always trying to take haven in the circular safe zones.

That’s all the Domain of Vabbi Hero Points in a nutshell. You can also watch the video walkthrough located at the beginning of this guide. If you are still missing some points for your Elite spec, then check out the remaining Hero Points in the Crystal Desert.

Moreover, if you already purchased End of Dragons, then you might want to consider starting with the Hero Points in Seitung Province.

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Abed Shatila

Abed Shatila

Abed Shatila is a developer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, but he is also a passionate gamer who has been enjoying games of all genres since he was six years old. Abed is an expert at creating video game guides. When he is not busy writing code, he enjoys crafting content to assist both existing and newer generations of gamers in making their gaming journeys much smoother.

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