Guild Wars 2: Verdant Brink Hero Points Guide

Find out how you can complete all the Hero Challenges in Verdant Brink.
By Abed Shatila July 26, 2023 - Updated on August 26, 2023 in Guides Reading time: 4 minute read
Guild Wars 2 Verdant Brink Hero Points

Hero points are necessary if you want to unlock Elite Specializations. You can find them in Core Tyria, and in every map in the expansions.

For this guide, we will be going over the Verdant Brink Hero points which is the first map of Heart of Thorns.

Verdant Brink Hero Points

In Verdant Brink, there is a total of 11 Hero Points. Some of them can be done solo, and others will need the help of at least 2 players as they require you to defeat a Champion.

So if you are a beginner, don’t be shy to ask for help in the map chat, people would be more than happy to help.

1. Nightthistle Blossom

Nightthistle Blossom
Nightthistle Blossom
  • Location: Creeping Crevasse
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Waypoint: Shipwreck Peak Waypoint [&BN4HAAA=]
  • Instructions: From the waypoint, make your way towards to cliff right in front of you, then jump all the way down using your glider occasionally to reposition yourself. Once you reach the tomb at the end of the pit, interact with the Blossom to summon a Veteran Mordrem Wolf.

2. Wyvern Nesting Grounds

  • Location: Wyvern Cliffs
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Waypoint: Jaka Itzel Waypoint [&BOAHAAA=]
  • Instructions: Take the waypoint and find your way down to the east using the glider. Climb up the slope and get to the edge of the mountain. From there, you have to jump down where there are a lot of Wyverns. Defeat the ones that are surrounding the place of power then interact with it.

3. Nuhoch Alchemical Energy

  • Location: Wyvern Cliffs
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Waypoint: Jaka Itzel Waypoint [&BOAHAAA=]
  • Instructions: From the Jaka Itzel Waypoint, find the nearest point that allows you to jump all the way down into the abyss of the jungle. Once you are halfway down, travel straight using your glider till you see the place of power.

4. Ancient Fighting Pit

Ancient Fighting Pit
Ancient Fighting Pit
  • Location: Shrouded Ruins
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Waypoint: Shrouded Ruins Waypoint [&BAEIAAA=] or Pact Encampment Waypoint [&BAgIAAA=]
  • Instructions: Start from the Shrouded Ruins Waypoint, but if it is contested, then take the Pact Encampment Waypoint. From there, make your way towards the fighting pit and take the Mushroom to climb up the stairs. Keep going up till you find the place of power.

5. Abyssal Depths

  • Location: Coztic Grounds
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Waypoint: Pact Encampment Waypoint [&BAgIAAA=]
  • Instructions: From the waypoint, jump down into the abyss and make your way toward the hero point using the glider. Once you are near a wall, you have to circle around it till you see the place of power.

6. Cliffside Ruins

Cliffside Ruins
Cliffside Ruins
  • Location: Broken Bluffs
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Waypoint: Mellaggan’s Valor Waypoint [&BNUHAAA=]
  • Instructions: Head north from the waypoint till you find a cliff. Jump over that cliff but directly deploy your glider as you will have to travel some distance. Make sure not to go so far down as the place of power is located inside a mountain halfway down.

7. Ancient Tree

Ancient Tree
Ancient Tree
  • Location: Coztic Grounds
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Waypoint: Faren’s Flyer Waypoint [&BO8HAAA=]
  • Instructions: From the waypoint, head northeast till you meet a cliff. From there jump down and deploy your glider after one second. You will see a huge branch which you have to go under and circle around it. When you are near a place of power, make sure to position yourself directly above it as there is a lot of poison and spikes near it.

8. Pact Airship Wreckage

Pact Airship Wreckage
Pact Airship Wreckage
  • Location: Coztic Grounds
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Waypoint: Faren’s Flyer Waypoint [&BO8HAAA=]
  • Instructions: From the waypoint, find the slope that brings you up to the mountain. From there, get to the end of the ramp located on the broken airship. Glide your way towards the other airship to land directly under the place of power.

9. Security Console

Security Console
Security Console
  • Location: Treacherous Paths
  • Difficulty: Hard (Recommended to do with a group)
  • Waypoint: Faren’s Flyer Waypoint [&BO8HAAA=]
  • Instructions: Similar to the 8th hero point, climb up the mountain but don’t take the ramp. As soon as you reach up, look left and take the bridge that allows you to glide towards a huge tendril. Get to the end of that tendril and you will be able to glide towards a broken airship. Once you are there, you have to interact with the Security Console to summon the Champion Mark I Golem.

10. Coztic Itzel Belongings

  • Location: Treacherous Paths
  • Difficulty: Hard (Recommended to do with a group)
  • Waypoint: Treacherous Path Waypoint [&BBwIAAA=]
  • Instructions: From the waypoint, simply jump toward the platform where the hero point is located. Then interact with the hero point to summon the Champion Coztic Bladedancer.

11. Pile of Guano

Pile of Guano
Pile of Guano
  • Location: Skyclaw Peaks
  • Difficulty: Hard (Recommended to do with a group)
  • Waypoint: Shrouded Ruins Waypoint [&BAEIAAA=]
  • Instructions: One of the hardest Verdant Brink hero points is this one. To get there, we need to start all the way from the Shrouded Ruins Waypoint. From there, climb up the mountain and take the first Mushroom you see. Make your way toward the huge tendrils and cross the mountain until you see the second Mushroom. Take that mushroom and make your way up the broken airship. After that, you need to glide all the way to another platform where the Vampire Beast Broodmother is waiting for you.

That’s all the Verdant Brink Hero Points in a nutshell. You can also watch the video walkthrough located at the beginning of this guide.

After completing the challenges in this map, now is a good time to check out the Hero Points in Auric Basin.

Frequently Asked Questions About Verdant Brink Hero Points

How many hero points are there in Verdant Brink?

There is a total of 11 Hero points in Verdant Brink.

How can I reach Verdant Brink?

To get to verdant brink, you can take the portal located in Southwestern Silverwastes. However, you have to have the Heart of Thorns expansion.
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Abed Shatila

Abed Shatila

Abed Shatila is a developer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, but he is also a passionate gamer who has been enjoying games of all genres since he was six years old. Abed is an expert at creating video game guides. When he is not busy writing code, he enjoys crafting content to assist both existing and newer generations of gamers in making their gaming journeys much smoother.

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